Model Data

Residual currents in the North Sea

Modelldaten Reststrom

Slow, directed water body movements are superimposed over rapid, regular tidal motions. These "residual currents” are vital for all long-distance transport. Daily German Bight residual current fields for the years 1958 to 2015 can be found here.

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Model analysis tool


Models are important to analyse average conditions. This tool provides simplified access to various models of the North Sea. Models consisting of large quantities of data can instantaneously be statistically analysed. Additionally, model data can be downloaded.

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Central campaign database

1606 Hzg-prandtl 0062-schmid

Access to the database for campaign data. Various search criteria can be used as filters and the data can be downloaded as shape or .csv files. Please filter for the NOAH-Project.

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