Publikationen / Publications
Publikationen mit Review / Publication with Review
Published |
2019 |
Logemann, A.E., Schafberg, M., Brockmeyer, B., 2019. Using the HPTLC-biolumenescence bacteria assay for the determination of acute toxicities in marine sediments and its eligibility as a monitoring assessment tool. Chemosphere 233, 936-945. |
Meyer, J., Nehmer, P., Kröncke, I., 2019. Shifting south-eastern North Sea macrofauna bioturbation potential over the past three decades: A response to increasing SST and regionally decreasing food supply . Marine Ecology Progress Series 609: 17-32. |
Niehus, N.C., Brockmeyer, B., Witt, G., 2019: Bioavailability and distribution of PAHs and PCBs in the sediment pore water of the German Bight and Wadden Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 138, 421-427. |
Niehus, N.C., Schäfer, S., Möhlenkamp, C., Witt, G., 2018. Equilibrium sampling of HOCs in sediments and suspended particulate matter of the Elbe River. Environmental Science Europe 30 (1). |
Zhang, W., Wirtz, K., Daewel, U., Wrede, A., Neumann, A., Kröncke, I. , Meyer, J., Ma, M., Schrum, C., 2019. The budget of macrobenthic reworked organic carbon - a modelling case study of the North Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. |
2018 |
Bockelmann, F., Puls, W., Kleeberg, U., Müller, D., Emeis, K., 2018. Mapping mud content and median grain-size of North Sea sediments – a geostatistical approach. Marine Geology 397: 60-71. |
Kraus, G., Diekmann, R., 2018. Impact of fishing activities on marine life. In: M. Salomon, T. Markus (eds.) Handbook on Marine Environment Protection: Science, impacts and sustainable management. Springer Science, 1024 pp. |
Meyer, J., Nehmer, P., Moll, A., Kröncke, I., 2018. Shifting south-eastern North Sea macrofauna community structure since 1986: A response to de-eutrophication and regionally decreasing food supply? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 213: 115-127. |
Niehus, N.C., Floeter, C., Hollert, H., Witt, G., 2018. Miniaturised Marine Algae Test with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons − Comparing Equilibrium Passive Dosing and Nominal Spiking. Aquatic Toxicology, Volume 198: 190–197. |
van Beusekom, J. T., Bobsien, R, Boersma, M., Buschbaum, C., Dänhardt, A., Darr, A., Friedland, R., Kloppmann, M., Kröncke, I., Rick, H-J, Wetzel, M., 2018. Aquatische Ökosysteme: Nordsee, Wattenmeer, Elbeästuar und Ostsee. In: von Storch H, Meinke I. (Eds.): Hamburg Klimabericht, 89-107. |
Wolschke, H., Sühring, R., Massei, R., Tang, J., Ebinghaus, R., 2018. Regional variations of organophosphorus flame retardants - Fingerprint of large river basin estuaries/deltas in Europe compared with China. Environmental Pollution 236:391-395. |
2017 |
Amirshahi, M., Kwoll, E., Winter, C., 2017. Suspended Sediment Flux by Single Turbulent Events Continental Shelf Research 152: 76-86. |
Callies, U., Groll, N., Horstmann, J., Kapitza, K., Klein, H., Maßmann, S., Schwichtenberg, F., 2017. Surface drifters in the German Bight: Model validation considering windage and Stokes drift. Ocean Sci. Discuss. 2017: 1-38. |
Cox, T. J. S., van Beusekom, J. E. E., Soetaert, K., 2017. Tune in on 11.57 µHz and listen to primary production. Biogeosciences 14 (22): 5271-5280. |
Krämer et al., 2017. Abrupt emergence of a large pockmark field in the German Bight, southeastern North Sea". Scientific Reports 7. Data: |
Neumann, H., Diekmann, R., Emeis, K., Kleeberg, U., Moll, A., Kröncke, I., 2017. Full-coverage spatial distribution of epibenthic communities in the south-eastern North Sea in relation to habitat characteristics and fishing effort. Marine Environmental Research 130: 1-11. |
Neumann, A., van Beusekom, J., Holtappels, M., Emeis, K.-C., 2017. Nitrate consumption in sediments of the German Bight (North Sea). Journal of Sea Research 127: 26-35. |
Pätsch, J., et al., 2017. An evaluation of the North Sea circulation in global and regional models relevant for ecosystem simulations. Ocean Modelling 116: 70-95. |
Rambo, H., 2017. Mapping fish community biodiversity for European marine policy requirements. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74(8): 2223-2238. |
2016 |
Ahmerkamp, S., Winter, C., Krämer, K., de Beer, D., Janssen, F., Friedrich, J., Kuypers, M.M.M., Holtappels, M., 2016. Regulation of benthic oxygen fluxes in permeable sediments of the coastal ocean. Submitted to Limnology & Oceanography 62 (5): 1935-5590. |
Callies, U., Gaslikova, L., Kapitza, H., Scharfe, M., 2016. German Bight residual current variability on a daily basis: principal components of multi-decadal barotropic simulations. Geo-Mar Letters: 1-12. |
Chen, W.-L., Xie, Z.; Wolschke, H., Gandrass, J.; Kötke, D., Winkelmann, M., Ebinghaus, R., 2016. Quantitative determination of ultra-trace carbazoles in sediments in the coastal environment. Chemosphere 150: 586-595. |
Fock H.O., Kraus G., 2016. From Metaphors to Formalism: A Heuristic Approach to Holistic Assessments of Ecosystem Health. PLoS ONE 11:e0159481. |
Krämer, K., Winter, C., 2016. Predicted ripple dimensions in relation to the precision of in-situ measurements. Ocean Science 12: 1221-1235. Data: |
Lefebvre, A., Winter, C., 2016. Predicting bed form roughness: the influence of lee side angle. Geo-Marine Letters 36(2): 121-133. |
Müller-Navarra, K., Milker, Y, Schmiedl, G., 2016. Natural and anthropogenic influence on the distribution of salt marsh foraminifera in the Bay of Tümlau, German North Sea. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 46 (1): 61-74. |
Neumann, H., Diekmann, R., Kröncke, I., 2016. Functional composition of epifauna in the south-eastern North Sea in relation to habitat characteristics and fishing effort. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 169: 182-94. |
Neumann, A., Möbius, J., Hass, Ch., Puls, W., Friedrich, J., 2016. Empirical model to estimate permeability of surface sediments in the German Bight (North Sea). Journal of Sea Research 127: 36-47. |
Petersen, J., Pröfrock, D., Paschke, A., Broekaert, J.A.C., Prange, A., 2016. Development and field test of a mobile continuous flow system utilizing Chemcatcher for monitoring of rare earth elements in marine environments. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 2016 (2) 146-153. |
Stelzenmüller, V., Diekmann, R., Bastardie, F., Schulze, Berkenhagen, J., Kloppmann, M., Krause, G., Pogoda, B., Buck, B.,.H., Kraus, G., 2016. Co-location of passive gear fisheries in offshore wind farms in the German EEZ of the North Sea: A first socio-economic scoping. Environmental Management 183: 794-805. Environmental Science and Policy. |
2015 |
Ahmerkamp, S., Winter, C., Janssen, F., Kuypers, M.M.M., Holtappels, M., 2015. The impact of bedform migration on benthic oxygen fluxes, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeoscience 120: 2229–2242. |
Birchenough, S.N.R., Degraer, S., Reiss, H., Borja, A., Braeckman, U., Craemeersch, J., De Mesel, I., Kerckhof, F., Kröncke, I., Mieszkowska, N., Parra, S., Schröder, A., van Colen, C., van Hoey, G., Vincx, M., Wätjen, K., 2015. Climate change and marine benthos: a review of existing research and future directions in the North Atlantic. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 6: 203-223. |
Brockmeyer, B., Kraus, U.R., Theobald, N., 2015. Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) for purification and extraction of silicone passive samplers used for the monitoring of organic pollutants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. |
Emeis, K.C., Beusekom, J. van, Callies, U., Ebinghaus, R., Kannen, A., Kraus, G., Kröncke, I., Lenhart, H., Lorowski, I., Matthias, V., Möllmann, C., Pätsch, J., Scharfe, M., Thomas, H., Weisse, R., Zorita, E., 2015. The North Sea — A shelf sea in the Anthropocene. Journal of Marine Systems 141: 18–33. |
Glavovic, B., K. Limburg, K. K. Liu, K.-C. Emeis, H. Thomas, H. Kremer, B. Avril, J. Zhang, M. R. Mulholland, M. Glaser, Swaney, D.P., 2015. Living on the Margin in the Anthropocene: Engagement arenas for sustainability research and action at the ocean-land interface. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability: 1-7. |
Levin, L.L.A., 2015. Comparative biogeochemistry–ecosystem–human interactions on dynamic continental margins. Journal of Marine Systems 141: 3-17. |
Oehler T., Martinez, R., Schückel, U., Winter, C., Kröncke, I., Schlüter, M., 2015. Seasonal and spatial variations of benthic oxygen and nitrogen fluxes in the Helgoland Mud Area (southern North Sea). Continental Shelf Research 106: 118-129. |
Oehler, T., Schlüter, M., Schückel, U., 2015. Seasonal dynamics of the biogenic silica cycle in surface sediments of the Helgoland Mud Area (southern North Sea). Continental Shelf Research 107: 103-114. |
Probst, W.N., Stelzenmüller, V., 2015. A benchmarking and assessment framework to operationalise ecological indicators based on time series analysis. Ecological Indicators 55: 94–106. |
Stelzenmüller, V., Fock, H.O., Gimpel, A., Rambo, H., Diekmann, RTELZENMÜLLER, V., FOCK, H. O., GIMPEL, A., RAMBO, H., DIEKMANN, R., PROBST, W. N., CALLIES, U., BOCKELMANN, F., NEUMANN, H., KRÖNCKE, I., 2015. Quantitative environmental risk assessments in the context of marine spatial management: current approaches and some perspectives. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72: 1022–1042. |
Sühring, R., Barber, J.L., Wolschke, H., Kötke, D., Ebinghaus, R., 2015: Fingerprint analysis of brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in North Sea sediments. Environmental Research 140: 569–578. |
Zhao, Z., Xie, Z., Tang, J., Gan, Z.; Ebinghaus, R., 2015. Spatial distribution of perfluoroalkyl acids in surface sediments of the German Bight, North Sea. Science of The Total Environment 511: 145-152. |
Zhao, Z., Xie, Z., Tang, J., Sturm, R., Chen, Y., Zhang, G., Ebinghaus, R., 2015. Seasonal variations and spatial distributions of perfluoroalkyl substances in the rivers Elbe and lower Weser and the North Sea. Chemosphere 129: 118–125. |
2014 |
Dippner, J., Möller, C., Kröncke, I., Loss of Persistence of the North Atlantic Oscillation and its Biological Implication. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2: 1-8. |
Gonzalez-Gago, A., Pröfrock, D., Prange, A., 2014. Optimizing GC-ICP-MS for ultra-trace quantification of PBDEs in natural water samples using speciesspecific isotope dilution. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 30: 180-190. |
Neubersch, D., Held, H., Otto, A., 2014. Operationalizing climate targets under learning: An application of cost-risk analysis. Climatic Change 126 (3-4): 305-318. |
Serna, A., Lahajnar, N., Pätsch, J., Emeis, K.-C., 2014. Organic matter sources and degradation in the German Bight/SE North Sea: Implications from stable nitrogen isotopes and amino acids. Marine Chemistry 166: 103-113. |
Strizak, Z., Ivankovic, D., Pröfrock, D., Helmholz, H., Cindric, A.-M., Erk, M., Prange, A., 2014. Characterization of the cytosolic distribution of priority pollutant metals and metalloids in the digestive gland cytosol of marine mussels: seasonal and spatial variability. Science of The Total Environment 470–471: 159–170. |
Under review / submitted |
Logemann, A., S. Röhrs, B. Brockmeyer. Distribution of hydrophobic organic contaminants in marine sediment fines – Comparison of normalization strategies. |
Meyer, J., Kröncke, I. (subm.). Comparing two benthic community concepts: structural versus functional spatial variability of south-eastern North Sea macrofauna. Frontiers in Marine Sciences. |
Vorträge / Lectures / Presentations
Amirshahi, S.M., Winter, C., Kwolle, E., 2016. Characteristics of instantaneous turbulent events in southern German Bight, River Flow 2016: Iowa City, USA, 11th–14th July, 2016. |
Blanz, B., Held, H., 2016. Modelling ecosystem economy interaction dynamics. North Sea Open Science Conference 2016, Oostende, Belgium. |
Blanz, B., Held, H., 2016. Modelling ecosystem economy interaction dynamics. DAMES 26.9.-28.9.2016, Hamburg, Germany. |
BROCKMEYER, B., WITT, G., NIEHUS, N., THEOBALD, N., 2014. Schadstoffe in Sedimenten und Porenwasser der Deutschen Bucht. Vortrag, KÜNO Jahrestagung, 19.06.2014 Warnemünde. |
BROCKMEYER, B., NIEHUS, N.C., THEOBALD, N., WITT, G., 2015. Spatial distribution of hydrophobic organic contaminants in bulk marine sediment-porewater systems and the effect of grain size in the North Sea. SETAC Europe 3-7 May 2015 Barcelona. |
DÄHNKE, K., DEEK, A., NEUMANN, A., NEWHAM, M., EMEIS, K.-C., 2013. Are coastal North Sea sediments an efficient filter for anthropogenic nitrogen? , European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2013, Vienna, Austria, 7. - 12. April 2013. |
Diekmann R., Kraus G., 2015. Concepts for risk assessment and management. KüNO Jahrestagung, 16.-17.11.2015, Warnemünde, Germany |
DIEKMANN, R., KRAUS, G., 2014. Konzepte zur Integration von Bewertungsansätzen: Von Ökosystemleistungen, Indikatoren und Risiken. KüNO Jahrestagung, 18.-19.06.2014, Warnemünde. |
DIEKMANN, R., NEUMANN, H., KRÖNKE, I., STELZENMÜLLER, V., FOCK, H.O., KRAUS, G., 2014. Scaling up trawling impacts on benthic communities: How fine scale investigations help evaluating large scale effects. ICES Annual Science Conference, 21.-25.09.2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. CM2015 P:15. |
DUTSCHKE, F., SOTO-ALVAREDO, J., PRÖFROCK, D., PRANGE, A., 2014. Optimization of Centrifugal-FFF coupled to ICP-MS-MS for the detection of nanoparticles in marine samples. 3. Doktorandenseminar des DAAS–Spektroskopie und Spurenanalytik, 20th September 2014, Münster. |
DUTSCHKE, F., SOTO-ALVAREDO, J., PRÖFROCK, D., PRANGE, A., 2015. Separation and detection of titanium dioxide nanoparticles from marine sediments samples using centrifugal-Field-Flow-Fractionation hyphenated to ICP-MS-MS European Winter Conference on Plasmaspectrochemistry, 22.02.2015 – 26.02.2015, Münster, Germany. |
Emeis, K.-C. and NOAH Project Participants, 2016. Coastal research in Germany - bservation, modelling and sea floor assessments. University of Haifa, Israel, 27.9. 2016. |
Emeis, K.-C. and NOAH Project Participants, 2016. Sea floor properties and integrity in the southern North Sea, Session 5C, ECSA 56, Bremen, 6. 9. 2016. |
Emeis, K.-C. and NOAH Project Participants, 2016. Mapping sea floor status and functions in the the German North Sea sector. Sino-German Workshop on Biogeochemical Pressures and their Effects on Marine Ecosystems in China and Europe, Hamburg, 29.8.-1.9.2016. |
Emeis, K.-C. und NOAH-Projektteilnehmer, 2016. NOAH – Habitatmodelle in der Nordsee. Meeresumwelt-symposium 2016, Hamburg (31.5. 2016). |
Emeis, K.-C., 2016: Coastal research in Germany - observation, modelling and sea floor assessments. Geoscience Colloquium, Universität Stettin (Polen), 8. 4. 2016. |
Emeis, K.-C., 2014. Assessment of biogeochemical habitats in the coastal zone. COST Symposium; Sopot, Polen, 6-8.4. 2014. |
EMEIS, K.-C., 2013. Die deutschen Küstenmeere im globalen Wandel. 10. BMBF-Forum für Nachhaltigkeit, 9. – 11. September 2013, KUBUS des UFZ, Leipzig. |
Friedrich, J., et al., 2016. Long-term impact of bottom trawling on pelagic-benthic coupling in the southern North Sea (German Bight). EGU2016-15791. |
Friedrich, J., et al., 2015. Towards an integrated view of benthic and pelagic processes in the southern North Sea (German Bight) EGU2015-9199. |
Friedrich, J., van Beusekom, J. E. E., Neumann, A., Naderipour, C., Janssen, F. , S. Ahmerkamp, M. Holtappels, T., Oehler, U. Schueckel, Wirtz, K., 2015. Towards an integrated view of benthic and pelagic processes in the southern North Sea (German Bight), Future Coast Symposium, Berlin |
Krämer, K., 2017. Methanaustritte am Helgoland-Riff. Maritime Woche an der Weser 19.09.2017, Bremen. |
Meyer, J., Kröncke I., 2018. Comparison of functional and structural long-term variability of south-eastern North Sea macrofauna communities in relation to environmental parameters, ICES Annual Science Conference, Hamburg (26. September 2018). |
Meyer, J., Kröncke, I., 2018. Functional long-term variability of south-eastern North Sea macrofauna communities, Senckenberg Young Scientists Retreat, Rostock (9. Juni 2018) |
Meyer, J., Neumann, H., Kröncke, I., 2017. Macrofauna trait diversity and bioturbation potential of the south-eastern North Sea, KÜNO Jahrestagung, Rostock (11.-12. Oktober 2017). |
Neumann, A., et al., 2016. Spatial and temporal patterns in oxygen and nutrient fluxes in sediment of German Bight (North Sea). EGU 2016-14238. |
Neumann, A., et al., 2015. Benthic remineralisation rates in southern North Sea - from point measurements to areal estimates. EGU 2015-12967. |
Neumann, H., 2018. NOAH - North Sea Observation ans Assessment of Habitats. Benthos Working Group Meeting, Hamburg Febr. 2018. |
Neumann, H., 2017. Full coverage spatial distribution of epibenthic communities in the south-eastern North Sea and NOAH Habitatatlas. BfN Working Group Meeting "Kartierung von Epibenthos auf Hartböden der Nord- und Ostsee", Nov. 2017, Vilm. |
NIEHUS, N., BROCKMEYER, B., SEILER, T., HOLLERT, H., WITT, G., 2015. Equilibrium passive sampling as a tool to study hydrophobic organic chemicals in the sediment pore water of the German Bight (North Sea) and Wadden Sea. SETAC Europe 3-7 May 2015 Barcelona. |
Oehler, T., Martinez R. and Schlüter M., 2014. Seasonal and spatial variations of in situ measured benthic fluxes of nutrients and carbon at the sediment water interface of the southern North Sea. AGU 2014 Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA). |
Oehler, T., Martinez R. and Schlüter M., 2013. Benthic transport processes and their impact on silicate, ammonium and carbon budgets of the Southern North Sea, University of southern Denmark-Nordisk Center for Jordens Udvikling, Odense (Denmark). |
PETERSEN, J., PRÖFROCK, D., BROEKAERT, J.A.C., PRANGE , A. 2014. Application of the Chemcatcher-Metal passive sampler as alternative sampling method for trace metals in the aquatic environment. Franco Spanish Workshop 2014, Pau, France. |
PROBST, W. N. 2014. How to be "good“–Comparing methods to assess time series of ecological indicators. ICES ASC 2014, Á Coruna, Spain, G:27. |
PRÖFROCK, D., PRANGE, A., 2014. Advantages of ICP-MS/MS as detector for sensitive element speciation analysis of marine samples. TraceSpec 2014, Aberdeen, Scotland, 31st August - 4th September 2014. |
PRÖFROCK, D., PRANGE, A., 2014. Application of HPLC-ICP-MS/MS for Sensitive Element Speciation Analysis of Marine Samples. Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2014, Amelia Island, Florida, USA, January 6 - 11, 2014. |
PRÖFROCK, D. 2014. Effects of chemical stressors in the coastal and marine environment. YIC – HZG Workshop on Biogeochemistry of Coastal Seas, Yantai Institute for Coastal Zone Research, China, October 16 – 18, 2014. |
PRÖFROCK, D. 2014. Hyphenated Techniques - Overview About Recent Tools and Developments for Marine Environmental Speciation Analysis – Challanges, Tips and Tricks. 7th Nordic conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, 01st - 4th June 2014, Loen, Norway. |
PRÖFROCK, D., PRANGE, A. 2014. New Possibilities for Ultra Trace Multi Element and Speciation Analysis in Environmental Samples Using ICP-MS-MS. 7th Nordic conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, 01st - 4th June 2014, Loen, Norway. |
PRÖFROCK, D. 2014. The role of mass spectrometry in environmental research: From trace elements to environmental proteomics. |
PRÖFROCK, D., RETZMANN, A., ZIMMERMANN, T., PRANGE, A., 2015. ICP-MS and hyphenated techniques for trace analysis of emerging contaminants in marine environmental samples. European Winter Conference on Plasmaspectrochemistry, 22.02.2015 – 26.02.2015, Münster, Germany. |
PRÖFROCK, D., ZIMMERMANN, T., PRANGE, A., 2015. Past and recent developments for the direct multi element analysis of marine waters. EMRP ENV08 Workshop, 25.09.2014, PTB, Berlin, Germany. |
Reininghaus, M., Niehus, N., Witt, G. (2017): In situ Gleichgewichtssammler zur Messung von hydrophoben organischen Substanzen in küstennahen marinen Sedimenten, November 2017, Neustadt Weinstraße, Germany. |
Reininghaus, M., Witt, G. (2017): In situ equilibrium passive sampling of hydrophobic organic hydrocarbons in coastal marine sediments Comparing in situ versus ex situ sampling , SETAC Europe Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 2.-7. May 2017. |
Schafberg, M., Lau, A., Kraus, U. R. & B. Brockmeyer, 2018. Towards a cost-effective and rapid toxicological screening method for organic contaminants in marine matrices using HPTLC-bioluminescence detection with Aliivibrio fischeri. DIOXIN, Krakau. |
SEIDEL, H., STELZENMÜLLER, V. 2014. Spatio-temporal biodiversity indicators for monitoring common objectives of the German Maritime Spatial Plan and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. ICES ASC 2014, Á Coruna, Spain, G:24. |
Stelzenmüller, V., Fock, H.O., Gimpel, A., Rambo, H., Diekmann, R., Probst, W.N., Callies, U., Bockelmann, F, Neumann, H., Kröncke, I., 2014. Environmental risk assessments in the context of marine spatial management: Current approaches and some perspectives. ICES Annual Science Conference 2014, Á Coruna, Spain, CM2014 G:39. |
STELZENMÜLLER, V., FOCK, H.O., GIMPEL, A., RAMBO, H., DIEKMANN, R., PROBST, W.N., CALLIES, U., BOCKELMANN, F., NEUMANN, H., KRÖNCKE, I., 2014. Quantitative environmental risk assessments in the context of marine spatial management: Current approaches and some perspectives. Ecological Basis of Risk Analysis for Marine Ecosystems, 02.-04.06.2014, Porvoo, Finland. |
Winter et al., 2017. Beispiele für morphodynamischeProzesse in der Deutschen Bucht: Ergebnisse jüngerer Fahrten mit Heincke. Workshop „Mittelgroße Forschungsschiffe“ 23.2.2017, Kiel. |
Winter, C., 2017. NOAH Synthese - Prozessstudien am Meeresboden der Deutschen Bucht, KFKI Seminar, 22.11.2017, Bremerhaven. |
Winter, C., 2017. Forschungsbedarf Morphodynamik aus Sicht von Modellanwendern und Modellentwicklern. KFKI Morphodynamik Workshop, 29.3.2017, Hannover. |
Winter, C. und die NOAH-Projektpartner, 2017. NOAH - Prozessstudien am Meeresboden der Deutschen Bucht, KüNO Jahrestagung, 11.-12.10.2017, Rostock. |
Witt, G., Niehus, N., Reinighaus, M., 2019. North Sea Observation and Assessment of Habitats (NOAH) - Investigations in the German Bight, Geological Norwegian Institute, March 2019, Oslo, Norway. |
Witt, G., Hercht, H., Niehus, N.C., Reininghaus, M., 2016. In situ equilibrium passive sampling of hydrophobic organic compounds in coastal marine sediments. 7th SETAC World Congress, November 2016, Orlando, USA. |
Witt, G., Niehus, N.C., Reininghaus, M., Schweikert, F. (2016): Equilibrium passive sampling of hydrophobic organic compounds in coastal marine sediments, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, November 2016, Tallahassee, Fl, USA. |
Beringer, S., Kleeberg U., Neumann, H., Kröncke I., Emeis, K.C., Puls, W., Goldberg, E.B. & NOAH Projektpartner, 2016. Der NOAH Habitatatlas. KÜNO 1 - Abschlusstagung, 22. - 23.06.2016, Warnemünde, Germany |
BLANZ, B., HELD, H. 2016. Management Design for Fisheries and Associated Risks in the German Bight using a Calibrated Analytical Model KÜNO Annual Meeting, 22.-23.06.2016, Warnemünde, Germany. |
BLANZ, B., HELD, H. 2016. Modelling ecosystem economy interaction dynamics. ECSA 56, 4.9. -7.9.2016, Bremen, Germany. |
BLANZ, B., HELD, H. 2015. Assessment of Dynamic Risks and Management Design. KÜNO Annual Meeting, 16.-17.11.2015, Warnemünde, Germany. |
BROCKMEYER, B., NIEHUS, N. C., THEOBALD, N., WITT, G. 2015. Distribution of non-polar organic contaminants between sediment, fine grained material and pore water of the German Bight. Posterpräsentation SETAC Barcelona 2015. |
BROCKMEYER, B., THEOBALD , N. 2015. Silicone passive samplers for organic pollutants in water: Utilizing accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) for purification and extraction., Poster, SETAC Europe 3-7 May 2015 Barcelona. |
DIEKMANN, R., NEUMANN, H., KRÖNKE, I., STELZENMÜLLER, V., FOCK, H.O., KRAUS, G. (2015). A question of scale? Trawling impacts on benthic communities. KÜNO Annual Meeting, 16.-17.11.2015, Warnemünde, Germany. |
FRIEDRICH, J., VAN BEUSEKOM, J., NEUMANN, A., NADERIPOUR, C. 2015. Towards an integrated view of benthic and pelagic processes in the southern North Sea (German Bight). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-9199, EGU General Assembly 2015. |
GONZALEZ-GAGO, A., PRÖFROCK, D., PRANGE, A. 2014. Comparison of GC-(NCI)MS, GC-(ICP)MS and GC-(EI)MS/MS for the determination of PBDEs in water samples according to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2014, Amelia Island, Florida, USA, 6-11 January 2014. |
KRÄMER, K., WINTER, C., 2016. Field measurements of small scale bedform dynamics in tidal environments in the German Bight, Marine and River Dune Dynamics – MARID V, Caernarfon, Wales, 4th–6th April 2016. |
Kreutzer, A., Reininghaus, M., Nabo, N., Meyer, J., Kröncke, I., Witt, G., 2019. Effects of bioturbation on the freely dissolved hydrophobic organic chemical contribution in sediment cores on the German Bight. , YES Meeting, Gent, Belgium. |
Lau, A., M. Reininghaus, F. S. Kröger, T. Ranftl, B. Brockmeyer, G. Witt 2017. Historischer Eintrag und Risikobewertung hydrophober organischer Schadstoffe am Beispiel ausgewählter Sedimentkerne. KüNo-Jahrestagung, Rostock. |
Meyer, J., Kröncke, I., 2018. Functional long-term variability of south-eastern North Sea macrofauna communities, Senckenberg Young Scientists Retreat, Rostock (9. Juni 2018). |
Meyer, J., Neumann, H., Kröncke, I., 2017. Macrofauna trait diversity and bioturbation potential of the south-eastern North Sea, KÜNO Jahrestagung, Rostock (11.-12. Oktober 2017). |
MÜLLER-NAVARRA, K., MILKER, Y., SCHMIEDL, G., 2013. Bioverfügbarkeit und ökotoxikologische Charakterisierung von HOC’s in Sedimenten der Deutschen Bucht. PALSEA2 2013 Meeting: “Estimating rates and sources of sea-level change during past warm periods”, Rome. |
Neumann, H., Kröncke, I., Emeis, K.C., Puls, W., Callies, U., Diekmann, R. & NOAH Projektpartner, 2016. Habitatmodellierung epibenthischer Gemeinschaften in der südöstlichen Nordsee. KÜNO 1-Abschlusstagung, 22. - 23.06.2016, Warnemünde, Germany. |
Neumann, H., Kröncke, I., Emeis, K.C., Puls, W., Kleeberg, U., Goldberg, E.B. & NOAH Projektpartner, 2015. Der NOAH Habitatatlas. KDM Symposium „Küste 2025“, 15. - 17.04.2015, Hamburg, Germany & KÜNO Annual Meeting, 16. - 17.11.2015, Warnemünde, Germany. |
Neumann, A., et al., 2015. Spatial and temporal patterns in oxygen and nutrient fluxes in sediment of German Bight (North Sea). EGU 2016-14238. |
NEUMANN, A., FRIEDRICH, J., VAN BEUSEKOM, J., NADERIPOUR, C., 2015. Benthic remineralisation rates in southern North Sea - from point. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-12967, EGU General Assembly 2015. |
NIEHUS, N. C., BROCKMEYER, B., WITT, G., 2014. Bioverfügbarkeit und ökotoxikologische Charakterisierung von HOC’s in Sedimenten der Deutschen Bucht. Posterpräsentation SETAC Gießen (2014). |
PETERSEN, J., PRÖFROCK, D., BROEKAERT, J.A.C., PRANGE, A. 2013. Passive sampling as a tool for time-integrated analysis of metals in marine waters using ICP-MS-MS. 6th International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium, Bordeaux, France, 26-29 June 2013. |
PETERSEN, J., PRÖFROCK, D., BROEKAERT, J.A.C., PRANGE ,A. 2014. Application of the Chemcatcher-Metal passive sampler as alternative sampling method for trace metals TraceSpec 2014, Aberdeen, Scotland, 31st August - 4th September 2014. |
PETERSEN, J. P., D., BROEKAERT, J.A.C. PRANGE. A. 2015. Passive sampling – an alternative monitoring tool for trace metals concentrations in marine waters. SETAC Europe 3-7 May 2015 Barcelona. |
Rambo, H., Stelzenmüller, V., Diekmann, R., Möllmann, C., 2016. CSI German Bight: a new index to assess the sensitivity of demersal fish communities to fishing. KÜNO Annual Meeting, 22.-23.06.2016, Warnemünde, Germany. |
RETZMANN, A., PRÖFROCK, D., PRANGE, A. 2014. Entwicklung einer Methode zur Untersuchung von Gadolinium-haltigen Kontrastmitteln in Wasserproben aus estuarinen Systemen basierend auf Kapillar-HILIC/ICP-MS. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen 2014, Geesthacht, Germany, 15th – 18th September 2014. |
SOTO-ALVAREDO, J., BETTMER, J., SANZ-MEDEL, A., MONTES-BAYÓN, M., DUTSCHKE, F., PRÖFROCK, D., PRANGE, A. 2014. The use of complementary analytical strategies (SdFFF-MALS, SdFFF-ICP-MS/MS, TEM and SEM) to evaluate the behaviour of TiO2 Nanoparticles in coastal waters. TraceSpec 2014, Aberdeen, Scotland, 31st August - 4th September 2014. |
SÜHRING, R., QUADE, S., WOLSCHKE, H. HEYDEBRECK, F. EBINGHAUS, R. 2013. Novel brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in sediments from the German Bight. Setac Europe annual meeting 12 - 16. May 2013, Glasgow. |
SÜHRING, R., WOLSCHKE, H., KOTKE, D., EBINGHAUS, R. 2014. Distribution and input of brominated flame retardants and Dechloranes in the German Bight. Organohalogen Compounds Vol. 76, 214-217 (2014), Dioxin Symposium 2014, Madrid. |
WITT, G., NIEHUS, N.C., KONOPKA, K.F., MAYER, P., FLOETER, C. 2015. Comparison of passive and standard dosing of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to the marine algae Phaeodactylum tricornutum Posterpräsentation SETAC Barcelona 2015 |
WOLSCHKE, H., HEYDEBRECK, F., XIE, Z., SÜHRING, R., EBINGHAUS, R. 2013. Occurrence and distribution of organic UV-stabilizers in sediments of the German Bight. Setac Europe annual meeting 12 - 16. May 2013, Glasgow. |
Berichte / Reports / Abschlussbericht / Final Project Report
Akademische Qualifizierungsarbeiten / Academic work (BSc, MSc, Diplom, Dissertation)
Bartels, M. Der Einfluss von Umweltveränderungen auf benthische Foraminiferen der Deutschen Bucht. BSc (Universität Hamburg). |
Boeckel, A. (2016) Bindungsformen von Phosphor in Sedimenten der Deutschen Bucht. BSc. (Fachhochschule Lübeck), 75 Seiten. |
Bünte, M. Der Einfluss von Umweltveränderungen auf die Foraminiferenfauna im Neu-Augustenkoog (Halbinsel Eiderstedt). BSc (Universität Hamburg). |
Bunzel, D. Einfluss von Umweltveränderungen auf die Foraminiferenfauna der Salzmarsch bei Westerhever. BSc (Universität Hamburg). |
Deeken, E. (2014): Die kleinräumige Variabilität der Makrofaunagemein-schaften südöstlich von Helgoland. BSc. (Universität Oldenburg). |
Dierkes, C. Die Entwicklung der Salzmarsch von Westerhever dokumentiert durch benthische Foraminiferen. Dipl. (Universität Hamburg). |
Gall, K. 2015. Temporal and spatial variability of 0-group demersal fish and shrimp on a nursery ground in the southern North Sea. MSc. (Universität Oldenburg). |
Harps, K., Palynofazies von Salzmarschsedimenten und Dokumentation von Vegetationsänderungen. BSc. (Universität Hamburg). |
Kämpfer, D. (2014): Toxizität von polycyclischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen an Danio rerio Embryos in einem passive dosing Versuch. BSc. (HAW) |
Kartheuser, J. (2016): Kartierung der 15N-Werte in Oberflächensedimenten der nordöstlichen Deutschen Bucht. BSc. (Universität Hamburg, FB Geowissenschaften, Institut für Geologie), 44 Seiten. |
Kielmann, M. (2015): Die Verteilung organischer Schadstoffe in ausgewählten Sedimentprovinzen der Deutschen Bucht. BSc (HAW). |
Konopka, K.-F. (2014): Effekte von ausgewählten PAKs im marinen Algentest: Passive Dosing versus Standard Dosierung mit wässriger Lösung. BSc. (HAW). |
Krämer, K. (2018). Sediment reworking mechanisms in shelf seas : In situ observations from the southeastern North Sea. Dissertation (Universität Bremen, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften). |
Kreutzer, A., in Vorbereitung (geplant 2012). Passive Sampling“ und „Passive Dosing“ - ein innovativer Ansatz zur kombinierten chemischen und biologischen Analyse hydrophober organischer Schadstoffe im Sediment-Porenwasser mariner Systeme. Dissertation (HAW Hamburg. HAW Hamburg in Kooperation mit RWTH Aachen). |
Kröger, S.D., 2019. Developing a “passive dosing bioassay” for indicating the composition and concentration of toxic hydrophobic organic compounds (HOC) using Daphnia magna (Cladocera, Crustacea) as bioindicator. MSc. (Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften). |
Krüger, F. S. (2017): Untersuchung der zeitlichen Belastungsentwicklung von organischen Schadstoffen in der Ostsee anhand zweier Sedimentkerne. BSc. (Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, Hamburg). |
Kunst, M. (2017): Hydroakustische Kartierung von Nordseehabitaten. MSc. (Universität Hamburg). |
Logemann, A. (in Vorbereitung): Organic contaminants in North Sea sediments – Development of assessment criteria for the contaminant pollution status through multidimensional analyses. Dissertation. Universität Hamburg. |
Meier, L. (2016): Biogeochemische Methodenüberprüfung der Elementaranalytik (C,N) und Massenspektrometrie (delta 15N) anhand von Oberflächensedimenten aus der Deutschen Bucht. B.Sc. (Universität Hamburg, FB Geowissenschaften, Institut für Geologie), 54 Seiten. |
Metzing, J. (2016): Hydroakustische Untersuchung von Oberflächen-Sedimenttypen der Nordsee. MSc. (Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Hamburg). |
Metzing, J. (2014): Hydroakustische Habitatkartierung östlich von Helgoland. BSc. (Fachbereich Geowissenschaften Universität Hamburg). |
Nham, Nicole (2017): Evaluation of different sieving methods for the extraction of the fine sediment fraction and theirt influence on the elemental and isotopic fingerprint. MSc. (Fachbereich Geowissenschaften Universität Hamburg). |
Niehaus, N.-C. (2018): Detection of freely dissolved hydrophobic organic chemicals in sediment pore water of the German Bight, the rivers Elbe and Weser and partitioning of PAHs in different applications of passive dosing. PhD (RWTH Aachen University, Supervisor G.Witt, HAW Hamburg) |
Ohde, Ramona (2016): Die räumliche und zeitliche Variabilität der Epifaunagemeinschaften in der deutschen ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone der Jahre 2005 bis 2015. MSc. (Universität Oldenburg, Senckenberg). |
Ottmar, M. A. Verbreitung und Ökologie von Foraminiferen der Salzmarsch und angrenzender Wattbereiche bei Westerhever Diplomarbeit (Universität Hamburg). |
Pallacks, Sven (2016): Shear stability of marine sands in the German Bight: Application of a shear test device SEDCURL. BSc. (Universität Heidelberg). |
Persichini, Gianna (2016): Flocculation under tidal forcing. MSc. (Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen. |
Rambo, H., 2017. From fish biodiversity indicators to spastial risk assessments - Towards the integration of Blue Growth and conservation objectives in the German Bight. Dissertation (Universität Hamburg, Informatik Sciences and Environmental Science). |
Ranftl, T., 2017. Die historische Entwicklung der Belastung des Sedimentes durch hydrophobe organische Schadstoffe in der Deutschen Bucht. BSc (Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, Hamburg). |
Reinighaus, M., 2019. Risikoabschätzung von hydrophoben organischen Schadstoffen auf Basis der biologisch verfügbaren Schadstofffraktion in Sediment-Porenwassersystemen der Küstengewässer von Nord- und Ostsee. Dissertation (HAW Hamburg HAW Hamburg in Kooperation mit RWTH Aachen). |
Röhrs, S. (2017): Feinkornfraktion als Normierungs-Tool für chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe und polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe in Sedimenten der Deutschen Bucht. BSc. (Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, Hamburg). |
Rössel, S. (2018): Anwendbarkeit von ex-situ Passivsammlern in Sedimentationsbecken. BSc. (Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, Hamburg). |
Rotstigen, A. B. (2014): Benthic foraminifera as a proxy for natural versus anthropogenic environmental change in the German Bight, North Sea. MSc. (Universität Oslo). |
Saitz, Y. (2017): Hydroakustische Kartierung im Bereich der nordöstlichen Doggerbank. BSc. (Universität Hamburg). |
Sarnecki, P. (2014): Hydroakustische Habitatkartierung südöstlich von Helgoland. Bsc. (Universität Hamburg). |
Schmidt, A., 2013. Räumlicher Vergleich der Gemeinschaftsstrukturen der In- und Epifauna im Sommer 2012 in der südöstlichen Nordsee. MSc. (Universität Oldenburg). |
Schumann, J. Rezente benthische Foraminiferen im Wattenmeer zwischen Sahlenburg und Neuwerk. BSc. (Universität Hamburg). |
Stöffler, F. W. Palynofazies von Salzmarschsedimenten und Dokumentation der Vegetationsdynamik im Nationalpark Wattenmeer. BSc. (Universität Hamburg). |