Partners with in the NOAH project
NOAH has 8 national project partners that contribute expertise in various fields of coastal marine research.
The Institute of Coastal Reseach at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht investigates the spatial and temporal variability of benthic nutrient cycling, pollution and physical boundary conditions in and at the seafloor using observations and numerical models.
Co-coordinator: Prof. Kay-Christian Emeis
The Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at Bremen University conducts field observations on turbulence and small-scale morphodynamics to examine in detail the interaction between geophysical processes at the sediment-water interface.
Co-coordinator: PD Dr. Christian Winter
Scientists at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar- and Marine Research are responsible for the integration of project geo-data into the habitat atlas using spatial modelling in a GIS framework. They also contribute to field observations on benthic fluxes and nutrient cycling.
Co-coordinator: Prof. Michael Schlüter
The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency is involved in the measurement pollutant budgets and processes to identify sources and sinks of contaminations in sediments and biota in support of the development of tools for an integrated assessment of ecosystem health.
Co-coordinator: Dr. Berit Brockmeyer
The Senckenberg Research Center investigates the spatio-temporal variability of benthic assemblages in the German EEZ of North Sea aiming at the development of indicators for ecosystem status based on key species, biomass, biodiversity and faunal activity.
Co-coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kröncke
The Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries contributes expertise in the development of tools and criteria for an integrated and spatial explicit assessment of ecosystem status, services and pressures as required for EU maritime policy implementation.
Co-coordinator: Dr. Gerd Kraus
The Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability at Hamburg University uses dynamic ecosystem and food web models to gain knowledge on the variability in ecosystem structure and function and to test adaptive, risk-based management scenarios. Scientists at CEN are also responsible for the hydroacustic habitat mapping.
Co-coordinator: Prof. Christian Möllmann
Scientists at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences are investigating bio-available organic contaminants and their diffusive transfer across the sediment-water interface in order to quantify pollutants budgets and transport processes.
Co-coordinator: Prof. Gesine Witt
The area of environmental analytics at the HAW is a topic of chemical analytics. The areas of interest comprise environmental compartments such as air, water, soil and organisms. Contact