Map: NOAH Work Areas (Figure: HZG)

NOAH - North Sea Observation and Assessment of Habitats

A project in the BMBF Framework Programme Research for Sustainable Development (FONA)

The NOAH project is one of five collaborating Research & Development projects that are committed to the “Coastal Research Agenda for the North Sea and Baltic Sea” (KüNO). The year project started in April 2013, has seven national partners and is coordinated by the Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht.

Human pressures on sea floors of the North Sea are mounting and require a thorough inventory of status and functions of this important ecosystem component. The NOAH project has gathered multidisciplinary expertise to construct a comprehensive habitat atlas that assesses sea floor state and functions, and establishes baselines against which environmental changes can be determined.

+++ NOAH Synthesis contribution to the implementation process of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56/EG +++

Online Access to the NOAH Synthesis Fact Sheets (in German language)


The Fact Sheets show examples of MSRL relevant indicators from the NOAH Habitat Atlas for which a direct relation to the descriptors of the MSRL can be derived. The data bases of the individual Fact Sheets can be viewed and accessed via the links provided.

NOAH Synthesis Fact Sheets